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< Sneak peek of melonDS 0.9melonDSi has been merged > |
#BlackLivesMatter May 30th 2020, by Arisotura |
You may be aware of what's going on in USA. I'm not going to go in detail over this, but I'm going to state that I stand with the protesters. For the end of racist policing, for the end of capitalism. Other than that, little status update on melonDS. We're going to merge the JIT branch for 0.9. I figured that it would be easier to merge the DSi branch first, so I've been updating it. I'm going to clean it up some and fix a few things to make it good for a release. The Qt UI is also nearly complete. All that remains to be done is the cheat interface and taking care of VSync. The other issues have been solved, including the one where the final executable required 25 DLLs -- by using the qt5-static package for MSYS2, I managed to get it down to a standalone executable that is about 21MB in size. |
80 comments have been posted. |
< Sneak peek of melonDS 0.9melonDSi has been merged > |
Pages:123456 |
Anon says: May 30th 2020 |
hurr hurr damn commie hurr hurr Jokes aside and I would not be surprised if this is straight up bait, but fuck it. Did not know BLM movement still existed, last time I heard it's leaders were a bunch of pricks full of double standards, very much like the police officers who discriminate based on race. Generally I believe that all lives matter. Capitalism is bad on it own, not when combined with something else, like in Norway where I live. |
Arisotura says: May 30th 2020 |
'all lives matter' indeed, but not all are getting routinely oppressed because of their skin color. also, don't try haxing this blog, we saw you coming and this is secure :P |
Former fan says: May 30th 2020 |
...uh-huh. No offense, but I'd rather not be reminded of the "protests" when I want to check up on emulation news. In fact, I won't be using this emulator any longer because this simply confirms my suspicions about you when you told us about your identity; I didn't say anything about it (in fact, this is my first time commenting on this site because I generally thought there was no point) because I figured I was jumping the gun. But with this talk about racist policing and ending capitalism? I guess I was onto something at the time. I'd rather not use the work of someone who approves the current anarchy in the United States, especially when they rape people, kill innocents, burn down buildings and loot the remains. Regardless, good luck to your future work on this emulator (I don't care if you delete this post; like I said, I'm not coming back). because regardless of your stance, you HAVE been doing good work on it. I just won't be here using it an |
poudink says: May 31st 2020 |
ngl I don't think DS emulation blogs are the best place for political discussion, but whatever. good to see everything's progressing well as far as this emulator goes. |
Ex-fan says: May 31st 2020 |
Please don't do this. I just want to play games and support software developers because that's my escape from social chaos about this and that. Telling people your political standing is really just for moral badges and applause, I hate to tell you, but this post will do nothing for any political movement. You aren't going to draw more people to supporting you, either. This is just going to push people away, sorry. You've done some good work so far, I wish you luck in the future, but I will no longer be using melonDS. |
Anon says: May 31st 2020 |
I think including politics in an emulation blog like this is a bad move, simply because any kinds of politics will always bring about a great deal of controversy and will bring about nothing but trouble in places which aren't suited or geared around this sort of discussion. Regardless of your political views, I am just here for great DS emulation which I think you're doing a fantastic job in and I'll keep on using melonDS since I think it will be the best DS emulator to use once everything else has been added in. So best of luck on that front. |
Ari says: May 31st 2020 |
jeez guys. I get politics can be divisive and you don't have to agree with "the end of capitalism", but whereas most politics include hate, Aristotura's post and BLM are about peace and unity. Plus she seems pretty educated on the topic, where you all are not. Take Former's post: He literally repeated every stereotype the Klan has ever printed in that post. Black people as rapists? Wow, what a well formed opinion from the 1700s. I'm sure you care about all lives. Also Black Lives Matter, for all curious, is not saying that other lives don't matter; It's saying that, at this very moment, black lives do NOT matter to anyone else. And the looting might be much, but it's an expression of anger. You think they would have arrested Chauvin the cop if the city didn't go up in flames? ANYWHO, much love, the emulator's great, using it to play with the fam over quarantine, and I'm excited for JIT. Kill it Aristotura |
Arisotura says: May 31st 2020 |
I stand by my position. I normally don't go on about politics but I deem this important. ignoring these issues is privilege. I mean, as a trans girl, my existence itself is political, and I'm not going to put up with the kind of people who think I am 'mentally ill' or whatever shit. the emulation community is also full of people like me, so I'd rather make it a safe place for us than deal with the lowest common denominator. because this is the kind of thing where there is no neutral position: allowing transphobes et al. in the name of 'freedom of speech' and/or 'keeping politics out' means that the minorities that are targeted will end up leaving because they don't feel safe, and you have basically created a safe space for bigots of all stripes. also, 'Former fan', you're full of shit. 'they rape people, kill innocents'?? should probably quit watching Fox News or whatever. |
Comlud says: May 31st 2020 |
Good progress! Big fan of this project. Nice to see the dlls being baked |
Niklink says: May 31st 2020 |
Happy to hear you're wrangling all of those forks into one place finally! Can't wait. |
Peduls says: May 31st 2020 |
Can't wait for 0.9! Thanks for all your hard work on this emulator! |
KostaSaizo7 says: May 31st 2020 |
Don't listen to anyone trying to tell you to stop writing your thoughts on important matters. If they are offended and won't come back I say good riddance. The only people who are against these protests are racists of any kind. This is your blog and the main theme is emulators, but that doesn't mean that anything unrelated to emulation should be silenced. Keep fighting the good fight. PS can't wait for 0.9 and I hope you push on with wifi and local multiplayer |
doton says: May 31st 2020 |
black lives matter and trans rights are human rights |
aep says: May 31st 2020 |
Good god not political statements again. Sorry, but I wont support or post news of your emulator on our site again. Good luck for your project though. |
Arisotura says: May 31st 2020 |
good for you. I don't care about your site if you're so bigoted that a one-line statement of "black lives matter" is too much for you. you're like those gamers who begin screeching about 'politics' when you represent minorities in your game. |
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