Chaos ahead

I guess that within the current situation, I owe you a post to keep you informed on things.

We're envisioning FLTK for a new UI, but I have yet to give it a try and see whether it would be a good fit for melonDS given how it works.

Motivation is at a low here though.

But, to give you an idea what to expect: given the scope of what we are developing, we're aiming straight for a 0.9 release.

The IRL situation isn't helping things. You might be aware of the coronavirus. We at the Melon Factory of Kuribo64 are fine for now, but the pandemic is growing, and with it, a set of heavy consequences.

After underestimating the virus for a while, France is finally taking confinment measures.

That may slow things down regarding the plans I have IRL, like, my attempts at getting a decent job.

What worries me more than the coronavirus, though, is the ongoing economical crisis. Markets are crashing and I guess it's not a good thing. It all seems abstract for now, but sure enough, in a while we will begin seeing concrete effects to this. Like, I don't think this is the best time for getting a job, but it's also going to be a mediocre time in general for the smallest and most vulnerable.

So, I'm keeping a close eye on all that. Worst case would mean I'd have to take immediate action to avoid going bankrupt and ending up homeless. Probably ending up in some squat.
AsPika2219 says:
Mar 17th 2020
Stay safe from dangerous coronavirus! My country Malaysia also got this... 😭😭😭 And then begins to partial lockdown until March 31. Anyway, continue working om your emulator right now.
Marck says:
Mar 17th 2020
Stay safe team Melon. Yeh, the economical thing and the virus is a complex problem, day to night I lost all of my patients, except for one. I'm rooting for all of you!
Nemo says:
Mar 18th 2020
Please stay safe and take care of yourself first.
Pillow says:
Mar 18th 2020
Will there be a Melon DSi Beta Preview Soon? I tried the first one, but it didn't work me. I would really like to see the MelonDSi Progress because the DSi is very cool and seeing my DSi on my computer would be amazing with full crisp and clear sound.
SIGMA says:
Mar 18th 2020
I am praying for your safety and well-being. I didn't think the virus would be this out of control, hopefully we're all gonna make it.
AsPika2219 says:
Mar 20th 2020
And remember.... Just stay at home! You will safe now! Take care!
Nixel says:
Mar 20th 2020
Take care of yourself first, no matter what anyone else says! We can do without 0.9 for another 5 years if that's what it takes, but health and a steady income are more urgent.

That's not to say I'm not very excited for the next release, though!
Garnium says:
Mar 21st 2020
Don't sweat it, it's a tough time for everyone no doubt. The project can wait if it has to, but the most important thing is to make sure yall stay safe and manage your personal dilemmas whenever you need to.

Stay strong, we're all rooting for you!! 😄
Michea says:
Mar 21st 2020
Guys just thank you because your emulator is helping me going through this hard quarantine time. Your job is highly appreciated, nonetheless we all realize it is a hard time (I'm in Italy and I know what I'm talking about).
Stay strong, and improve this project only if you don't wanna spend time thinking of the bad reality surrounding us.
Go Team Melon, go! ;)
A dragon says:
Mar 22nd 2020
I feel Capcom predicted this one when they released RE 6 and Trump was right to not trust China. I blame the CCP for covering this mess up instead of manning up to admit the disaster and seek help. Might have made this less of a mess than it is. As for the economy, this is actually a good time to invest in stock. Buy low, sell high. If you want to try your hand at a hostile takeover of a company that you feel needs to like Sony, Nintendo, Disney, etc., now might be a good time to do that. Might not be able to do it alone, but i's just an idea.
ZELDA says:
Mar 22nd 2020
stay safe i love you
anon says:
Mar 24th 2020
I hope you're able to get through this okay
V13Loca says:
Mar 28th 2020
I hope everything goes alright for Melon factory, for me coronavirus also came in a bad moment, i was planing on legally changing my name and then the Spanish government says that there will be confinement for 15 days (wich has been already extended to 30) so yeah, it sucks.
I wish you the best of luck to get a decent job and accomplish the other stuff you have to do the sooner posible <3.
anon2 says:
Mar 28th 2020
Here in Italy the situation is very bad, too. Schools (probably) will be kept closed until May-June, the same applies to non-essential jobs.
The government is panicking since a lot of doctors and nurses are getting infected. Luckily I don't live in Lombardy but the situation in the north is critical. Thank you Team Melon for the awesome work.
Stay safe (and go outside only for grocery shopping and stuff).
Person 3274 says:
Mar 28th 2020
Is it possible to transfer a save from one emulator to this one?
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