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Main - General - [HELP] [POKEMON GAMES] - "Migrate from X" doesn't appear when I use MelonDS Hide post layouts | New reply

Posted on 02-05-23 12:31 PM (rev. 4 of 02-05-23 12:32 PM) Link | #5824
Hello. I'm playing the Gen IV Pokemon games using MelonDS and I love everything about this emulator, it's far superior to any other emulators I've tried, but there is just one problem. Migration doesn't work in the Pokemon games. I'll list my steps and correct me if any of them are wrong.

1. I launch MelonDS
2. File > Insert ROM cart > (I choose the Gen III game I want, in this case Pokemon Emerald)
3. File > Open ROM > (I choose my Pokemon HeartGold rom)
4. It boots to the firmware, and it detects the GBA game since there is the option "Start GBA game."
5. I launch Pokemon HeartGold
6. When I reach the menu, there is no "Migrate from Emerald" option.

I don't think I did anything wrong here. Using the same ROMs and the same SaveFiles migration works on every other emulator except for MelonDS.
Did I do something wrong or does MelonDS simply not support that feature yet?

Posted on 02-05-23 01:03 PM Link | #5826
I can think of 2 things:
1. You must have unlock the palpark in Heartgold for the migrate option to appear
2. If you have set a save files path in path settings, put the emerald.sav file there

Posted on 02-05-23 01:13 PM Link | #5827
I have already done the first thing you said, but I haven't tried your second advice. Let me try.

Generic aka RSDuck
Posted on 02-05-23 01:19 PM Link | #5828
also iirc someone reported that the integrated firmware and bios don't work with this.

Take me to your heart / never let me go!

"clearly you need to mow more lawns and buy a better pc" - Hydr8gon

Posted on 02-05-23 01:23 PM Link | #5829
I assumed they have external firmware because they have the option "Start GBA game."

Generic aka RSDuck
Posted on 02-05-23 01:28 PM Link | #5830
ah you're right, so then this doesn't apply.

Take me to your heart / never let me go!

"clearly you need to mow more lawns and buy a better pc" - Hydr8gon

Posted on 02-05-23 01:33 PM Link | #5831
I fixed the problem!

2. If you have set a save files path in path settings, put the emerald.sav file there

This is what I had to do. Thank you!

Posted on 08-04-23 04:20 PM Link | #6149
Hello! I had the same issue, i tried all that you said but it still does not work...
Posted by Saizo7
I can think of 2 things:
1. You must have unlock the palpark in Heartgold for the migrate option to appear
2. If you have set a save files path in path settings, put the emerald.sav file there

Generic aka RSDuck
Posted on 08-04-23 05:04 PM Link | #6150
do you use a proper firmware dump (and not the integrated firmware?)

Take me to your heart / never let me go!

"clearly you need to mow more lawns and buy a better pc" - Hydr8gon

Posted on 08-07-23 12:08 AM Link | #6151
Heya! Got the same problem here. Got a completed SoulSilver save with access to Pal Park and the national dex, but it doesn't seem to want to recognize my Emerald save (nor a Ruby save I tried as well for good measure) in the GBA slot and it won't show the transfer option on the main menu. I've got external firmware loaded up for the DS that as far as I can tell is working properly, but I'm pretty stumped on what's going wrong now. I've tried redirecting the save file path as suggested earlier in this thread, but that didn't seem to change anything. :(

Any ideas?

Posted on 08-18-23 02:22 AM Link | #6180
I have had this same thing happen, maybe try opeing the GBA game in MGBA or something so it has a save file to read from. Instantly fixed it for me for the purpose of dual slot mode.

If you already have a GBA save make sure it's in thw same directory as the rom and has its name but with .sav instead of .gba (like "Pokemon Sapphire.gba" and "Pokemon Sapphire.sav"

Posted on 09-17-23 04:15 AM Link | #6212
2. If you have set a save files path in path settings, put the emerald.sav file there

I'm not quite sure I'm understanding this? All that path setting does is only having to select the folder with saves in it and not for specific saves. I see that Storiel000 in their case worked for them but its still not working for me. I have the same exact issue as Storiel too, not having the migrate option appearing.

Posted on 09-17-23 05:50 AM Link | #6213
Posted by VGF64
I'm not quite sure I'm understanding this? All that path setting does is only having to select the folder with saves in it and not for specific saves. I see that Storiel000 in their case worked for them but its still not working for me. I have the same exact issue as Storiel too, not having the migrate option appearing.

Try using this guide:

Posted on 12-11-23 03:30 AM Link | #6352
I just went through an identical thing recently, so I wanted to post here for anyone else looking at this:

Double check your save file's size. MGBA specifically adds bytes to the end of the SAV files in newer versions, making them a single byte larger than the normal 128 that anything else checks for/reads. If your SAV file is 129 bytes, then it won't work for MelonDS migration (or any other GBA thing for that matter.)

Thankfully, someone posted about a way to remove this byte via a Hex Editor:

Main - General - [HELP] [POKEMON GAMES] - "Migrate from X" doesn't appear when I use MelonDS Hide post layouts | New reply

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