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Posted on 10-12-21 08:57 AM Link | #4572
How do you fix this issue, like for some reason whenever I use fast forward, my input would be late and unresponsive this only happen sometimes tho, probably because my frames are too high. Any way to cap the fast forward frame rate?

Posted on 10-12-21 11:03 AM Link | #4574
I've done some digging in the settings. As you can see, there is an option to toggle FPS limit.
However, I expect this to lock the emulated system to a framerate its physical counterpart would be capped at.

My suggestion would be Rivatuner. I use it to cap my Wii U emulation to 30FPS to reduce stutters. Perhaps it could help you in your problem.

Here are some instructions on how to use Rivatuner:
1) After installing, Open the program.
2) It may look like nothing is happening, Instead, look for a small monitor with a "60" on it. Click on it.
5) You should now see a new window open. Make an instance where frame limiting should be applied by clicking "add". It will ask you to select an executable. Navigate to the folder where MelonDS.exe is, and select MelonDS.exe.
6) Set Application detection level to high, then the frame limit to what you think is best.
7) Minimize the GUI.
8) Open MelonDS and boot into a game.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions, I'll try to respond as soon as possible.

Posted on 10-12-21 12:21 PM Link | #4575
tysm, i can now grind my pokemon in peace

Posted on 01-29-22 02:25 AM Link | #4967
I'm having issues with the setup, I've done everything correctly and nothing seems to be working, any suggestions?

Posted on 06-08-22 10:39 AM Link | #5335
why is my fast forward hotkey not working? i tried everything, it just wont work can someone help?

Posted on 06-16-22 08:06 AM Link | #5347
Posted by Javedplayz
I'm having issues with the setup, I've done everything correctly and nothing seems to be working, any suggestions?

Can you explain the issues in more detail please? What exactly isn't working for you?

Posted by TheSlanderKK2
why is my fast forward hotkey not working? i tried everything, it just wont work can someone help?

My only suggestion would be to make sure that you saved the keybindings correctly. Make sure its a button you can remember easily, but isn't in the way so that you dont accidentally press it. It also wouldn't hurt to click "Save" a second time to make sure it actually saved.

Posted on 08-04-22 06:36 PM (rev. 9 of 03-26-23 05:35 AM) Link | #5455
I've been having issues with this as well. Fast forwarding completely destroys my inputs. If I fast forward while playing the game, then inputs are messed up until I restart the emulator (It seems it can recover eventually, if I start navigating the emulator menus, but it's unclear exactly how). I have to hold inputs for several seconds before they register, and then upon letting it go the action (example, moving) will continue for the length of time I held the buttons. But unlike input lag, if I don't hold the inputs down then no actions ever happen. Either way though, its very much not playable like this. Is this common? This is the only thread I can find on the issue. Pokemon Diamond is the game in particular that I'm trying to play.

EDIT: Seems like it's not just emulation side either, as hotkeys like F4 (Fullscreen) also have weird input issues sometimes. And the menus are slow to open.

EDIT2: Checking Config>Limit Framerate appears to significantly help the situation. It happens less often, is less extreme when it does happen, and recovers much more quickly, although it's still a little wonky. It's mostly now just an issue using inputs while fastforwarding rather than after fastforwarding, where there's just a short delay before it's back to normal.

EDIT3: Mm.... it can still get pretty bad. It was working well for a while now, but I just had a solid amount of large input delay again after ending fast forward. It's very unreliable.

EDIT4: Okay apparently it's a known issue as early as 6 months ago. I guess there's nothing to do but wait for an update?

EDITtoomany: Oops, I had both Limit Framerate and Audio Sync on, which I've read elsewhere is a bad. I've turned off Audio Sync, and it seems to be working more reliably.

3/25/2023 EDIT: Just as a heads up, it's still happening on 0.9.5. What I ended up doing in the end is switching to Desmume, but I'd rather stick with MelonDS if I could.

Generic aka RSDuck
Posted on 03-26-23 05:37 AM Link | #5918
are all renderers affected? When using the software renderer does using OpenGL display make a difference?

Take me to your heart / never let me go!

"clearly you need to mow more lawns and buy a better pc" - Hydr8gon

Posted on 10-17-24 01:07 PM Link | #7212
Started having this issue with Melon lately and it was getting so bad that I was reloading save states after full exiting the program and still having input lag/not registering keys properly. Even the menu keys on Melon itself weren't working when running a game. I noticed that when using the fast forward key I would hike up to 200-300FPS due to either my computer being too good or the key registering the fast forward several times since I bound it to a key on my controller maybe?

I fixed it by switching to OpenGL, turning up to 4x resolution, and changing aspect ratio to 3DS. Makes my game look way better and less crunchy. More importantly no more lost inputs and the fast forward key only hikes FPS to 90-100 which is way more stable.

Essentially being on default settings is too good for performance that it makes the game unstable with uncapped FPS even if for only a few seconds. MelonDS could probably fix this with an FPS cap option for fast forward instead of just making it uncapped fps while button is pressed.

I remember emulating PS2 games and uncapping the FPS and watching it go up to like 1000fps for grinding in Final Fantasy games without any stability issues. Guess DS games don't scale with FPS as well.

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