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Posted on 05-05-21 07:05 AM Link | #3656
Is there some way to connect MelonDS to a real DS?
I have a WEP router connection available if that matters.
I was trying to do it and struggling to do so.

On the front page it says: (WIP) Wifi: local multiplayer, online connectivity
Which I assumed meant DS to emulator, although based on what I've seen that seems to be only emulator to emulator.

If anyone has an idea on how to do this even on other emulators, please tell me :)

I'm trying to play advance wars : dual strike with a friend over the internet without having to trust that he's not looking at my screen.

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Posted on 05-05-21 09:35 AM Link | #3657
You should check this

Generic aka RSDuck
Posted on 05-05-21 09:37 AM Link | #3658
emulator <-> real DS connection is only supported for wfc. You need to connect both melonDS and the DS to the same wifi (dns) server and then exchange friendcode.

Take me to your heart / never let me go!

"clearly you need to mow more lawns and buy a better pc" - Hydr8gon

Posted on 05-06-21 12:12 AM Link | #3661
Posted by Uihdve

wirelessly, no internet
Posted by Generic aka RSDuck
emulator <-> real DS connection is only supported for wfc. You need to connect both melonDS and the DS to the same wifi (dns) server and then exchange friendcode.

so games without nintendo wfc have no chance of being played? my goal is to play AW:Dual Strike, so there's no WFC support.

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Generic aka RSDuck
Posted on 05-06-21 12:15 AM Link | #3662
Posted by Sizzyl
so games without nintendo wfc have no chance of being played? my goal is to play AW:Dual Strike, so there's no WFC support.


Take me to your heart / never let me go!

"clearly you need to mow more lawns and buy a better pc" - Hydr8gon

Posted on 05-06-21 02:25 AM Link | #3663
There's never been anyone working on something like this? I'm sure it's hard to make just like anything else related to emulators, but with how many games this affects I thought it'd be a priority ngl

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Posted on 05-06-21 04:14 AM (rev. 2 of 05-06-21 04:17 AM) Link | #3664
Nobody's been working on something like this because it'd be a shit ton of work and there's a good chance it'll turn out to be impossible.

Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

(post deleted) #3666

(post deleted) #3667

Posted on 05-06-21 09:50 AM Link | #3668
Posted by Sizzyl
There's never been anyone working on something like this? I'm sure it's hard to make just like anything else related to emulators, but with how many games this affects I thought it'd be a priority ngl

why don't you fuckin do it

Posted on 05-06-21 09:51 AM (rev. 2 of 05-06-21 09:57 AM) Link | #3669
why don't YOU do it, entitled brat

Posted by Sizzyl
There's never been anyone working on something like this? I'm sure it's hard to make just like anything else related to emulators, but with how many games this affects I thought it'd be a priority ngl

thing is, we support local multiplayer, to some extent, but between melonDS instances, where we can just exchange packets through IPC.

supporting local multiplayer with a real DS would have two major constraints:

1. requiring low-level access to a wifi adapter, so that we could reproduce the quirks of Nintendo's local multiplayer protocol.

2. timings. local multiplayer has tight timings (that is why it's hard to get it working in the emulator, and that is also why it's finicky on the real thing and begins shitting itself at distances greater than 10m). the DS wifi hardware has special features to assist local-multiplayer exchanges. on a typical PC, with OS scheduling and all, there would be no way to enforce these specific timings, unless we had code in driver space maybe.

in short, the sheer amount of work required, the low probability for success, and the requirements it would have, make this a low priority item.


Posted on 05-06-21 02:15 PM Link | #3671
Out of curiosity, is there an emulator (of any console) that has the ability to connect with a "real" console? I searched and couldn't find any example.

Generic aka RSDuck
Posted on 05-06-21 02:26 PM Link | #3672
melonDS is the only one which supports local wirelss in any form at all.

And it's really just not feasible as Arisotura already outlined, except maybe for an emulator running on an FPGA.

Take me to your heart / never let me go!

"clearly you need to mow more lawns and buy a better pc" - Hydr8gon

Posted on 05-06-21 02:50 PM Link | #3673
apparently NO$GBA added that ability as well, but I haven't tested it


Posted on 05-06-21 04:29 PM Link | #3674
He said "of any console", so melonDS isn't the only one that emulates local wireless. Citra supports local wireless too. Can't connect to a real 3DS, though.

Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 05-06-21 05:21 PM Link | #3675
Posted by poudink
He said "of any console", so melonDS isn't the only one that emulates local wireless. Citra supports local wireless too. Can't connect to a real 3DS, though.

This^ I am not just talking about DS emulators. I am talking about ANY emulators. Seems that emulator-to-console connectivity is really hard to achieve.

Well, after doing a little research, the only emulator that has come close is PPSSPP.

In conclusion, this seems to be a feature that no other emulator has achieved, so posting on the forum asking "There's never been anyone working on something like this?" is just absurd. We should call this the "final boss" of melonDS development:P

Posted on 05-06-21 06:46 PM (rev. 2 of 05-06-21 06:48 PM) Link | #3676
The PSP and 3DS both do local wireless networking on a high level.
That's why its easy to use them for playing with local instances and even the internet with no issues.
There are no tight timings (for the most part) like on DS.
For PPSSPP you could play with a PSP but the PSP side needs a plugin that decryptes the communication and also like 10 games are playable lol.

Posted on 05-07-21 05:42 AM Link | #3677
Posted by Arisotura
why don't YOU do it, entitled brat.

Posted by Uihdve
why don't you fuckin do it

Sorry, I often come across as a bit of an asshole when saying stuff, wasn't trying to shit talk people, just didn't know any of the information at hand. I know obviously that making theses emulators are a bunch of work and then replicating wireless capabilities are really hard (despite having 0 experience working with them myself), but I just assumed it might be possible due to it having been achieved to a degree between GBA emulators and I misunderstood the main page's "WIP wireless" stuff. Thanks for the people who explained why what I was saying is dumb, kinda interesting to heard about some of this stuff despite the fact that I doubt I'll ever look into it all that deep myself. I was just genuinely curious about wether or not something like this existed, similar to Saizo7, but unlike him my wording definitely came across wrong. Sorry if my questions angered some people.
Posted by Saizo7
Out of curiosity, is there an emulator (of any console) that has the ability to connect with a "real" console? I searched and couldn't find any example.

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Posted on 05-07-21 05:46 AM Link | #3678
it looked to me like Arisotura was replying to Uihdve but I might be wrong

Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 05-10-21 12:09 PM Link | #3694
Posted by poudink
it looked to me like Arisotura was replying to Uihdve but I might be wrong

Could be, I had a hard time telling due to the fact that I was the only one quoted, but that was likely an oversight.

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