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Posted on 06-19-17 03:49 PM Link | #206
So this is it.

On the technical side, wifi is mostly done. There are still bits of the hardware that aren't emulated, but they don't seem to be crucial. Some (better error handling, power management, etc) would be nice to have. Some (RF/BB chips) aren't necessary.

But on the user interface side, this is far from finished.

What testing has revealed for now:

* Binding the socket to INADDR_LOOPBACK works best under Windows, but doesn't work under Linux.
* Binding the socket to INADDR_ANY works under both, but not as well (Pictochat runs into issues where one or more players can't send). INADDR_ANY also theoretically allows playing on separate computers over LAN, but I can't test it. Better have a strong network, it sends a lot of packets.


* option to choose between INADDR_LOOPBACK and INADDR_ANY (hopefully make both work under Linux)

* add blocking RX check for multiplay acks, may help

* option to set the maximum duration for blocking RX checks -- more time means more possible slowdown, less time means more chance of missing MP reply packets or receiving them too late

* option to choose the interval for regular (non-blocking) RX checks -- currently fixed to 512 microseconds. Checking more often may reduce ingame lag but put more strain on the host system.

Also, a user might want to run melonDS instances using different config files and firmwares, so we need to think of a good way to cover that.

Opinions are welcome and wanted.


Posted on 06-19-17 05:03 PM Link | #207
Quick question, is it / will it be possible for MelonDS and a real DS to connect?

Posted on 06-19-17 09:11 PM Link | #209
Pokémon works.


Posted on 06-19-17 09:15 PM Link | #210

footage of NSMB MvsL, courtesy RicBent

note that it needs some adjustments to work under Linux

Posted by MeaningOfLifeIs42
Quick question, is it / will it be possible for MelonDS and a real DS to connect?

perhaps, time will tell, but it'll require damn good sync

maybe lag inherent to OS abstraction and drivers/firmwares will make it impossible


Posted on 06-19-17 09:20 PM (rev. 3 of 06-20-17 08:42 PM) Link | #211
I'm hoping there will be an article on the development of this, would definitely be an interesting read. Also with the option to change the interval for RX checks you could have presets to choose from like 128, 256, 512 milliseconds or whatever steps make sense for the user to choose from, plus an option for custom so it can be set manually.

Anyway great work!

Also will be testing mario kart in the morning if it hasn't already been done.

Tested out mario kart and it will disconnect the client from the host after a little bit of lag after connection.

Posted on 06-20-17 08:47 PM Link | #220
MKDS seems to be one of the worst offenders. I tried, managed to select characters but it disconnected afterwards. It also lagged like crazy.


Posted on 06-21-17 12:33 AM Link | #221
Well, mkds wifi needs a lot of work.

...Or maybe not?

Hoping to play wiimmfi in the future version of melonDS!

Posted on 06-24-17 06:59 AM Link | #235
Posted by Nadia
Pokémon works.


I tried it on windows and they can recognize each other but then can't connect. After multiple tries the emulator crashes.
Same case with SMB game like shown in video, they see each other but cant connect. Do you think this is my user(my) issue or this is emulator issue?

Posted on 06-27-17 09:42 PM Link | #239
Seems to be just you (As of now). I can play MvL (Haven't tried Pokemon)

Posted on 06-29-17 05:28 AM Link | #243
Posted by Ndymario
Seems to be just you (As of now). I can play MvL (Haven't tried Pokemon)

Are you positive? This is on windows because when I asked @StapleButter this was his reply on gbatemp

" Probably won't work with 0.3 -- the latest wifi advance is for 0.4. "

Posted on 06-29-17 07:15 AM Link | #244
Well yeah. Seems some sites made posts that imply 0.3 has the wifi, when it's infact not the case. 0.3 is able to send/receive some things but you aren't exchanging pokemons or playing MvsL with it.


Posted on 06-29-17 08:39 PM Link | #246
Posted by StapleButter
Well yeah. Seems some sites made posts that imply 0.3 has the wifi, when it's infact not the case. 0.3 is able to send/receive some things but you aren't exchanging pokemons or playing MvsL with it.

Thanks for clearing this up :)

Posted on 07-17-17 06:50 AM Link | #262
Ok testing the 0.4 build I have tried only few games and those like SMB works almost flawlessly.
I have been able to use trading and other things in Pokemon 5th gen ie BW but on 4th gen aka HGSS and DP whenever I try to trade/ battle the screen would go to the trade screen for eample but then suddenly I get this error . I have tried many times with that wifi bind setting too but this happens in 4th gen games only.
I would like to know if this happens to me only or also others?

Posted on 07-18-17 03:20 PM Link | #264
Posted by telon22
Ok testing the 0.4 build I have tried only few games and those like SMB works almost flawlessly.
I have been able to use trading and other things in Pokemon 5th gen ie BW but on 4th gen aka HGSS and DP whenever I try to trade/ battle the screen would go to the trade screen for eample but then suddenly I get this error . I have tried many times with that wifi bind setting too but this happens in 4th gen games only.
I would like to know if this happens to me only or also others?

Yeah, it happens to me too. I can't complete a trade on gen 4, I get the same error. Also, in BW & B2W2, some trades are completed successfully, but sometimes it gets stuck to this screen forever.

Posted on 08-10-17 02:17 PM Link | #309
Hi y'all! I'm trying to get WiFi to work with Pokémon Black, on my laptop. Testing the connection in NWC gives me error code 50099: no access point in range. What settings am I supposed to use? If this information is provided somewhere else, I'm sorry as I seem to have missed it.

Posted on 08-10-17 07:41 PM Link | #311
Hi, I've tested trading Pokemon in many ways:
-Between Pokemon Black and Pokemon Black 2 (the same savefile on the same PC): one of the games crashes, then I get a "connectivity error". Failed.
-Between Pokemon Black and Pokemon Black (the same savefile on the same PC): one of the games crashes, then I get a "connectivity error". Failed.
-Between Pokemon Black and Pokemon Black (one on my PC, the other one on my laptop): they don't see each other at Union Room.

I did all my tests on Windows 7 - 64 bits, using melonDS v0.4.

Having read that some people traded succesfully, I want to know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a compatibility issue.

(Anyway, thanks for this emulator!).

Posted on 09-13-17 05:22 PM Link | #334
Posted by MeaningOfLifeIs42
Quick question, is it / will it be possible for MelonDS and a real DS to connect?

I'd also really like to know this.

Posted on 09-13-17 05:24 PM (rev. 2 of 09-13-17 05:24 PM) Link | #335
Honestly, I can't tell. It's not possible for now, but it'd have to be tried out in the future.


Posted on 09-13-17 05:29 PM Link | #336
Posted by StapleButter
Honestly, I can't tell. It's not possible for now, but it'd have to be tried out in the future.

Good to know. I was looking online for an emulator that could do that, as I wanted to use Pokemon event distribution ROMs with real cartridges. I couldn't though, because I didn't have a flashcart.

I really appreciate the work that you're doing, by the way.

Posted on 09-16-17 06:33 AM (rev. 2 of 09-16-17 06:33 AM) Link | #337

Wifi does not work at all for me. I am using linux ubuntu. Here is the consol output if anyone inerested.

Posted by fede89
Hi, I've tested trading Pokemon in many ways:
-Between Pokemon Black and Pokemon Black 2 (the same savefile on the same PC): one of the games crashes, then I get a "connectivity error". Failed.
-Between Pokemon Black and Pokemon Black (the same savefile on the same PC): one of the games crashes, then I get a "connectivity error". Failed.
-Between Pokemon Black and Pokemon Black (one on my PC, the other one on my laptop): they don't see each other at Union Room.

I did all my tests on Windows 7 - 64 bits, using melonDS v0.4.

Having read that some people traded succesfully, I want to know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a compatibility issue.

(Anyway, thanks for this emulator!).

Hey me too. It does not work for me at all. Did you find a workaround? If yes then please tell me.
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