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Main - General chatter - Do You Have Ideas For Video Games Consoles? Hide post layouts | New reply

Posted on 07-04-20 07:18 PM (rev. 2 of 07-04-20 07:19 PM) Link | #2007
I think that some budy have ideas for making video games consoles, if yes, share them here, like me, I wanna make a Master-X:
There's sometings that you know, but there's sometings that you don't know, so:
-The horizontal arrows are the versions of the game, USA, EUR, JPN and KOR.
-The vertical arrows are for changing the game.
-The icons:
-The red one is for the setting.
-The black one is for the notifications.
-The purple one is for the offline classic games, like:
-Card Game.
-And More...
-The garnet one is for the chat offline.
-The light blue one is for the profile.
-The green one is to restart the console.
-The dark blue one is for reset the console, are you sure you want to reset?
-The button that think a train is not a train simulator, this is were you can see the pictures and videos that you take with the camera which is above the screen.
-In the settings, you can click on the Game Selection button for surfing on the Game Shop, click on the Local button to connect your Master-X with another one and you get automaticly get his contact on the chat offline.

And you, do you have ideas for video games consoles?

-MKOW does mean Mario Kart: Olympic World

Posted on 07-04-20 11:06 PM Link | #2014
I remember I came up with an idea for a portable/home console hybrid when I was in fourth grade six or seven years ago. it was a handheld you could plug into your TV and plug a controller into to play on the couch.

Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 07-04-20 11:51 PM Link | #2015
Posted by poudink
I remember I came up with an idea for a portable/home console hybrid when I was in fourth grade six or seven years ago. it was a handheld you could plug into your TV and plug a controller into to play on the couch.
If you remember how was you console idea, you can make a example for it with Paint.NET.

Posted on 07-05-20 11:28 AM Link | #2016
basically you made a WiiU gamepad


Posted on 07-05-20 11:46 AM Link | #2017
The Nintendo 1DS:
The Nintendo 1DS (XL) is the Nintendo DSi (XL) with a DELUXE set.
The fonts:
I f you wanna make the DS, 3DS and 2DS logo, use "Bank Gothic" to write the Nintendo part and "Lucida Sans" to write DS, 3DS, or 2DS TM.

Posted on 07-05-20 02:08 PM Link | #2018
Posted by Arisotura
basically you made a WiiU gamepad

With more options.

Posted on 07-06-20 01:56 PM Link | #2025
The Game Boy Saturne (GBS):
The Game Boy Saturne looks like the GBA SP but with new style set, you can play it own games and GB, GBC and GBA games.

Posted on 07-01-22 12:36 PM (rev. 2 of 07-05-22 09:30 PM) Link | #5384
I recall I had a similar idea when I was 14, and everyone except me had a PSP. I was looking for ways to get one, like earning money, annoying my parents until they bought it. Meanwhile, I was daydreaming about the perfect portable console. One day I was on and stumbled upon a post where someone shared their idea, something like yours. It's been 10 years since then, and now I'm an engineer who develops gadgets at Siemens.

Generic aka RSDuck
Posted on 07-01-22 12:38 PM Link | #5385
everything from this video:

Take me to your heart / never let me go!

"clearly you need to mow more lawns and buy a better pc" - Hydr8gon

Posted on 07-01-22 12:48 PM Link | #5386
Posted by DarwinPatzner
I recall I had a similar idea when I was 14, and everyone except me had a PSP. I was looking for ways to get one, like earning money, annoying my parents until they buy it, etc.

you remind me why I like being an adult


Posted on 07-08-22 08:31 PM Link | #5407
I've had many ideas about creating great game-consoles, also about creating phones that look like game consoles.
What currently goes through my mind is a x86 on Snapdragon ARM device that runs Nintendo Switch and Xbox One or PS4 games.
Or even better add the AMD xclipse for ray tracing!
...And Linus' cooling system ofc
Even if it ran nothing but Windows, I'd buy it for any price.

Posted on 07-17-22 02:31 PM Link | #5418
Oke, now the less OP alternative.
Sony 3DS fiVe (Vita)

with 2 1024x576 multitouch-screens (768 Bottom), a 32-bit 1.332ghz cpu, 4GB ram (It slowdown to vita mode, has all the older cores, but arm7 is omitted).
Connect a BT controller to co-op Mario Kart on the top screen (upside down), handful of games will connect and be released on the PS5 or Switch2.
You can also multi-task: swap between 1 DS / 1 3DS / 1 Vita or 3DSV game and 1 system software (Miiverse pls)
It does PSP/1/2 VC using Sony emulation (oof 64-bit on 32-bit), it has all licensed Wii VC platforms, DS VC, Virtual Boy VC, N64 VC, GCN VC and 3DS/DSi-ware.
I don't care on which store games are published (in the same .cia succeeding format).

This way Sony can offer handhelds, continue the DS without getting in Nintendo's way and piss off Microsoft.

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