You may be aware of what's going on in USA. I'm not going to go in detail over this, but I'm going to state that I stand with the protesters. For the end of racist policing, for the end of capitalism.

Other than that, little status update on melonDS. We're going to merge the JIT branch for 0.9. I figured that it would be easier to merge the DSi branch first, so I've been updating it. I'm going to clean it up some and fix a few things to make it good for a release.

The Qt UI is also nearly complete. All that remains to be done is the cheat interface and taking care of VSync. The other issues have been solved, including the one where the final executable required 25 DLLs -- by using the qt5-static package for MSYS2, I managed to get it down to a standalone executable that is about 21MB in size.
Masky says:
Jun 4th 2020
Masky says:
Jun 4th 2020
A says:
Jun 5th 2020
I love how chaotic and hilarious this is!

PS. I respect your opinion and good luck!
Ammako says:
Jun 7th 2020
<3 melonDS
A dragon says:
Jun 9th 2020
In my opinion, the issue isn't racism so much as it is cops having too much unchecked power. I've had some experience with the local police force and they were a-holes to white people. If measures were put in place to keep them in check, they'd be less likely to step out of line.
Waligie says:
Jun 11th 2020
10 days later, but still. #BlackLivesMatter.
I just fell really fucking angry today, i can't pretend everything is fine anymore. It is not.
Inequality, Racism, Sexism, Misogny, Ableism, etc; all that shit still exists even if this is supossed to be the progressive decade or something, we can't just make makeshift "solutions" that makes us feel better for some days, we need an actual radical change in the fucking world.

Sorry, i feel political today, something i don't usually feel at all, because i just... got really pissed. I don't usually do that, instead prefering to be non-confronting and pretending to be something else...... sigh.

Oh, and also congrats for all the work you poured into for MelonDS. It's really great so far and i hope we could get DSI support in the future. That doesn't mean you shouldn't take some breaks of developing this project if you're felling tired or down.
NM64 says:
Jun 11th 2020
Long time lurker that felt the need to link my multiple semi-lengthy Reddit replies as to the concept of bringing up certain subjects in contexts where it would be traditionally considered off-topic:

Waligie says:
Jun 11th 2020
I just kinda needed to relase a bit of my anger i guess.
Yeah, sometimes politics being everywhere can bore someone after all. Although there probably are some crypto-nazis in the emulator scene, the majority of people here just go to spaces like these to forget about the bad things for a while and play some Mayro DS. So it's no secret they're going to be annoyed when political stuff is blasted into their otherwise escapist fun space i guess.
It's just that i kinda felt really inspired to go political after all those messages on Twitter about "if you don't do anything you support white supremacy". I also really got mad that shit like that still happens these days.

Well anyway, why am i still commenting on a 11 day old post?.
Arisotura says:
Jun 11th 2020
>"if you don't do anything you support white supremacy"

it's not that simple I'd say, or rather, I wouldn't jump to conclusions that quickly.

however, there is no neutral position on racism, homophobia, transphobia, or bigotry in general. if you claim to be 'neutral' and let bigots express themselves, the minorities they target will feel unwelcome and leave, and in the end you have created a safe space for bigots.

so I'm taking the opposite position here. melonDS ain't political, but we ain't gonna tolerate bigots. if that means losing followers over a 'black lives matter' statement, so be it -- not like those are people we, or you, want to be around. I ain't gonna cater to the lowest common denominator.
NM64 says:
Jun 11th 2020
The best way I can put it is that "black lives do matter...but specifically 'BlackLivesMatter' as an organization does not".

In the past there were things that the BlackLivesMatter organization did that seemed to have questionable integrity and, as I alluded to in my Reddit comments, in general I tend to shy away from groups and organizations in favor of independent thought.

(as a disclaimer, both "the cool aunt" and "the cool uncle" that I grew up with in my direct family are both brown skinned of some unknown ethnicity, we've theorized that it may possibly be native American)
elDiabloArranque says:
Jun 12th 2020
won't be using this anymore because of dumb political bullshit. keep that stuff to yourselfs.
Arisotura says:
Jun 12th 2020
good for you. we don't need you.
NM64 says:
Jun 12th 2020
So in the context of the things I said above, I can't help but feel that people saying things like "don't let the door hit you on the way out" aren't being much better than those wanting to leave as both parties are effectively saying they want to disassociate with the other due to the other party's beliefs.

Maybe it's cultural (you're from France, correct? I'm from northeast Ohio in the US), but this feels like the sort of thing that just fuels polarity (which I know a lot about being from the US) rather than focusing on unity. I mean, the whole point of why black lives do in fact matter is supposed to be equality after all, and this is the sort of thing why the rioting and violence feels misplaced because then you're basically perpetrating violence in response to...violent acts against a black man? How does this solve the problem of violence when it's literally (not figuratively) creating more violence? Does this not just fuel polarity farther?

This all just feels like a "two sides of a single coin" - a phrase commonly used to describe the two-party political system in the US.
Arisotura says:
Jun 12th 2020
I'm not uniting with the kind of bigots who want me dead for being trans (or, in the 'better' cases, think I should be locked up in a psych hospital, or forced to live as a man, or basically suppressed in one way or another to make room for perfect cishet normality).

I repeat, there's no neutral position over this. there's no debating whether black lives matter, or whether trans people should be allowed to live, because these are not up for debate, it's a matter of basic human decency.

I'm generally pretty tolerant, I don't care much about your political alignment as long as you can respect other people, including minorities (like the trans minority I'm part of). but, as I said, when it comes to bigotry, there's no neutral position, you need to choose your side. I have chosen mine.

regarding the people whining about this blog post:

I can understand why one would not want to care about political matters. but, actually, when it goes that far that they feel the need to complain about a 'black lives matter' statement, and state that they're going to take some action in return (boycotting melonDS or whatever), well... doesn't say anything good about their mindset.

an analogy I have actually seen: it's like when a trans person makes a fundraiser for something related to their transition, and people come along stating that "that fundraiser is pointless and I'm not donating", or some flavor thereof. see, fundraisers don't force you to donate. if you don't want to donate, just ignore the thing. but these people, no, it's not just that. they want to show that they are assholes and dislike you, but hide it under a 'respectable' cover. like how they can state that "there are more important things to donate to" but they don't actually care about these things.

it's a bit like that Clap Clap troll. first tried to make himself look right and all. when exposed, all he did anymore was try attacking me with typical alt-right transphobic bullshit, and do it several times over a few days. so, it's pretty evident who that person is and what his priorities are.

it's the same basic logic: attacking you under the guise of caring for a cause, and trying to make themselves look like the better person in the process.
NM64 says:
Jun 12th 2020
"You need to choose your side".

I cannot disagree more. You can choose a stance, but I strongly feel like picking sides is exactly what got us into this mess in the first place. Yes intolerance is bad, but again I cannot help but feel that being intolerant to those that are intolerant just perpetuates the issue.

I mean, isn't the whole reason why "defund the police" is a thing is because, rather than being intolerant and jailing those that are less-than-savory and are at the bottom of society, we should be allocating more funding towards educating, rehabilitating, and getting these people back into a savory state?
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